Introduction of Luciérnaga Journal Number 18.



Communication, journalism


Movies, journalism, marketing, governance, education and ICT are issues that articulate the content of this edition. Not only has the development of the texts stood out, but also the chosen methodologies, being the qualitative the most used.

The anthropologist Natalia López Cerquera, presents the analysis of Víctor González´s film, an inhabitant of the village Villa Paz- Colombia.  In his films, González makes sense to the local activities, being focused on making visible aspects such as symbolic systems, cultural practices and the historical memories of the region. Caroline Aparecida de Souza and the PhD. Maria Cecilia (Ciça) Guirado have submitted the article - Reporting Techniques and Magical Realism in the Story  of A Shipwrecked Sailor, by Gabriel García Márquez. According to the peer reviewers, the genesis of this research, the adequate way in which the sources and the resulting reflections are derived and referenced, constitute an essential contribution to approach the bases of the chronicle and the narrative to the scientific community of the social sciences, and even further, with the students of Latin American communication schools and the world, in the perspective of understanding the challenges of a journalist.

Diana Bernal Acevedo, PhD candidate in education from   Universidad de la Salle in Costa Rica  and   research professor in Sergio Arboleda University in Bogotá – Colombia,  proposes the transmedia experience in imagining  narrative worlds; she points out that this experience  erases limits, flows between reality and fiction, the  analog and the  digital. Karolaim Gutiérrez Valencia, Master in Education and professor at the Technological University of Pereira- Colombia, presents the   research results about Uses of the social network Google Plus, in a teaching and learning experience in higher education; It was found that the emerged interactions around spaces such as chats, communities, messenger apps, and hangouts among others were specifically related to explanations, reminders, indications, recommendations, agreements and motivation.


The professors of the Pontificia Bolivariana University of Medellin, Doris Elena Muñoz Zapata, María Victoria Pabón Montealegre and Betsy Carolina Valencia Ayala, address the issue of communication, culture and leadership for teleworking. Emerging model that aims at organizational flexibility. The University of Llanos and Santo Tomás based in Villavicencio, participates in this edition with Communication and Marketing issues. María Cristina Otero Gómez, Wilson Giraldo Pérez, and Jennifer Vega Barbosa share the results of the qualitative research carried out in order to strengthen the rice bread brand, an important product of the region gastronomy in   Meta - Colombia.

The article section closes with the contribution of the researchers: Claudia María Giraldo, Ledys López Zapata and Juliet Holguín Moná, of  Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia, In this article they present the analysis of the governance discourse in the tourism sector  of Antioquia – Colombia. A descriptive exploratory study was conducted, under a qualitative approach, in which bibliographic tracking, interviewing and group workshops were used as techniques. The study was focused on the actors, their behaviors and interactions.

As it is usual and ineluctable, we thank the authors and other professionals and institutions that make possible each edition of the Magazine Luciérnaga-Comunicación. We call the entire academic and research community to submit their articles to our next editions and   share this issue with colleagues and students.

Article Metrics

|Abstract: 337 | PDF (Español (España)): 108 |

Author Biography

Mónica Valle , Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

*Mónica María Valle F. Doctora en Estudios Científico Sociales del Instituto Tecnológico de Occidente – ITESO (México). Magister en Comunicación de la Universidad Iberoamericana-UIA (México), Especialista en Gerencia de la Comunicación de la Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana (Colombia) y Comunicadora Social - Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia). Docente e investigadora - Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid. Email:



How to Cite

Valle , M. . (2017). Introduction of Luciérnaga Journal Number 18. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 9(18). Retrieved from




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