Elements of an epistemological debate for the New Countable Education
accounting education, social sciences epistemology, socio-critical educationAbstract
The education keeps on being one of the main subjects of discussion for the countable academy although his problematic have been hiper-diagnosed by academicians and students. In the same way, this writing poses an epistemological review of the thought streams more notable of the social sciences as the comtian Positivism, the Neo-positivism of the Circle of Vienna, the Critical Rationalism of Popper, and the Critical Theory of the School of Frankfurt, from a exercise of qualitative investigation and a hermeneutic method, with the purpose to propose distinct looks to the conventional countable education, centred in traditional postures that privileges the technical training of the students above the scientific and human formation.Article Metrics
Abstract: 946 PDF (Español (España)): 1907References
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