ICT and Education. Creation of transmedia worlds in learning processes





Transmedia, learning, education, teaching, classroom, mediation


What is transmedia used for in education? Among many other things to put literature back in the center of the classroom, to invite teachers and students to dream, talk and live in a creative interaction. To live a transmedia experience is to imagine a narrative world, to live a story, to navigate through a conceptual universe in an authentic way. Transmedia erases boundaries, flows between reality and fiction, analog and digital.

Classrooms must be niches that allow the educational ecosystem the emergence of life. In the diversity of the classroom you have a source of creativity, play and laughter. In that sense, its theatrical and ritual character, passes through to dethrone the technologies and highlights the simplicity of the stories.

This article presents the results of the project advanced by the research and experimentation group Madeja, which explores the uses of transmedia narratives in teaching and learning processes, for he development of communicative competences in higher education students.

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Author Biography

Diana Patricia Bernal Acevedo, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá

Comunicadora Social - Periodista Universidad de Antioquia; Especialista en Semiótica y Hermenéutica del Arte, Universidad Nacional; Magister en Educación, Universidad Externado de Colombia ; candidata a Doctora en educación, Universidad de la Salle de Costa Rica; Co-investigadora en el Proyecto Madeja (diciembre de 2016.), Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá


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How to Cite

Bernal Acevedo, D. P. (2017). ICT and Education. Creation of transmedia worlds in learning processes. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 9(18). https://doi.org/10.33571/revistaluciernaga.v9n18a4