Management logic and sensitive experience. Middle managers and junior staff in a distribution center.

Mandos medios y personal subalterno en un centro de distribución




distribution center, sensitive experience, management, middle management, subordinate personnel


More than a simple ideology, Management is a rationality since have overpassed the sphere of the direction of the work and have converted in a mentality. It will be displayed some examples in which is possible to notice that the managerial logic appears embodied in the middle management and when be reproduced with total conviction its rhetoric, they get big dosses of satisfaction. Suffering of these people, is caused by the opposite phenomenon: the disability to obey the mentioned their premises thanks to the requirements that the logic of the management impose to them. The subordinate personnel, by their way understand that rationality like a fatality and by these, without realizing it, reproduce it with resignation, and to protect their selves from the requirements that are imposed to them, been happy knowing that can “escape” daily when their working day ends.

Author Biography

Héctor L. Bermúdez, Universidad de Antioquia

Sociólogo de la Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana, Magíster en Ciencias de la Administración de la Universidad Eafit y candidato a doctor en Sociología (PhD) de la Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM). Actualmente es Profesor Investigador en el Grupo de Investigación Comportamiento Humano Organizacional (COMPHOR) del Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Antioquia, en Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Bermúdez, H. L. (2020). Management logic and sensitive experience. Middle managers and junior staff in a distribution center.: Mandos medios y personal subalterno en un centro de distribución. Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana De Investigación En Organizaciones, Ambiente Y Sociedad, 11(17), 149–164.