The Influence of the Internal Communication Climate on the Job Satisfaction of Employees of a Company in the Service Sector




Organizational communication, participation, work well-being, interpersonal relationships


communication climate, chosen as a way to delimit the broad concept of organizational communication and job satisfaction, considered as a relevant factor for people in any type of work, by allowing workers to identify with the intrinsic aspects of their work. For this purpose, the analysis of results was carried out through the SPSS program, and it was concluded that, in the company studied, there is a positive correlation of the internal communication climate with three of the six dimensions of job satisfaction, such as the Satisfaction with supervision and participation, personal relationships and the intrinsic satisfaction of work.

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Author Biographies

Daniel Ocampo Vinasco, Universidad Católica de Pereira

Psicólogo Universidad Católica de Pereira

Nicolás Jacobo Valencia, Universidad Católica de Pereira

Psicólogo Universidad Católica de Pereira

Esther Julia Castaño González

Comunicadora Social – Periodista, Especialista en Comunicación Organizacional, Magister en
Educación: Desarrollo Humano, Doctora en Relaciones Internacionales Iberoamericanas, Docente
Universidad Católica de Pereira. Programa Comunicación Social – Periodismo., Pereira, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Ocampo Vinasco, D., Valencia, N. J., & Castaño González, E. J. (2018). The Influence of the Internal Communication Climate on the Job Satisfaction of Employees of a Company in the Service Sector. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 10(20), 113–126.

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