USER PROFILES: Uses and appropriations of mobile phones by the youth in the city of Buenos Aires


  • Magdalena Felice Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).


Youth studies, sociocultural, sociability, use and cell phone ownership, qualitative research, communication and mobile devices


The article presents some results of the research about the uses and appropriations of mobile phones by young people between 20 and 29 years old belonging to middle-high sectors in the city of Buenos Aires. This research was carried out between August 2011 and September 2012. In this paper we propose to acknowledge the codes of significance that actors attach to this device and we make a description of the communication field using mobile phones as topography. This way we try to build classifications and categories that will allow us to synthesize and organize information gathered throughout the investigation. Thus, we have defined four user profiles: the resistant, the pragmatists, the enthusiasts and the heavy users; the first two make up the group of the “unattached” and the last two, the group of the “fans”.

Article Metrics

|Abstract: 515 | PDF (Español (España)): 253 |

Author Biography

Magdalena Felice, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).

Socióloga egresada de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina.Fue becaria estímulo del Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (CIN), Ministeriode Educación de la Nación. Actualmente es becaria doctoral del CONICET.Participó en proyectos de investigación en el Instituto Gino Germani de laUBA, donde se desempeñó como investigadora becaria en el proyecto“Mediamorfosis: Nuevos cruces entre culturas juveniles y tecnologías digitalesde la comunicación”. En la actualidad, cursa el Doctorado en CienciasSociales de la UBA.


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How to Cite

Felice, M. (2015). USER PROFILES: Uses and appropriations of mobile phones by the youth in the city of Buenos Aires. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 5(9), 18–28. Retrieved from


