For a civic and community journalism



Journalism, ethics, media, trust


This essay aims to reflect on some necessary transformations in journalism as a consequence of digital convergence and the loss of credibility. The objective is to offer certain keys that allow journalism and the media to rebuild the trust of citizens based on a constructive, civic and proximity approach. These commitments to local, proactive and community service information are important to recover the social role of the journalist as an actor who reports on public affairs and, therefore, on issues that affect both the daily life and the functioning of the democratic system. Finally, certain competencies related to digital and multimedia are listed, given the current evolution of communication and journalism.

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|Abstract: 235 | PDF (Español (España)): 127 |

Author Biography

Carlos Rodríguez-Pérez, Universidad de Ibagué

Master in Political and Institutional Communication at the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y
Gasset in Madrid, Master in Marketing, Consulting and Political Communication at the University of Santiago
de Compostela and PhD student in Information Sciences at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Professor of the Social Communication and Journalism Program at the University of Ibagué (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Pérez, C. (2020). For a civic and community journalism. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 12(24), 4–15. Retrieved from