Contribution of new businesses to the development of local markets and generation of employment
The case of Esquel, Chubut, Argentina
Español (España), entrepreneurship, local development, networks, productive framework, employmentAbstract
The discussion about economic and socio-cultural contributions that the creation of companies offers to the development and enrichment of local markets is vast. Science studied aspects related to the generation of employment, production, the revitalization of regional productive fabrics, the formation of networks and the creation of inter- and intra-sectoral synergies, the channeling of creative energies of the population and the articulation of local needs, among others. This work seeks to evaluate these contributions for a sample of small enterprises of up to seven years of life in Esquel. The results are favorable in relation to employment, innovation and productive diversification and to a lesser extent in terms of independence from external markets for the supply of inputs and from the local market for obtaining income.
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Abstract: 146 PDF (Español (España)): 87PlumX metrics
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Copyright (c) 2024 María Victoria Fernández, Silvia Mabel López , Mariana Gauna Lavayén , María Celeste Ramírez
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