Identification of innovation strategies in the management of the sector Mipymes in Santa Marta (Colombia)
innovation, management, innovation strategiesAbstract
The objective of the research was the identification of strategies for management of the sector SMEs in Santa Marta, Colombia. Theoretical bases of the authors Ohmae, Robert, David and Martinez were studied. The methodology was based on the paradigm of positivist research. For the collection of data, developed a questionnaire, validated by experts, applied to a population of 40 employees, throwing as a result the implementation of innovation offensive, defensive, imitative, dependent, traditional and opportunistic strategies or niche, concluding that managerial behavior reflects the concern for technical leadership; not assume risk for innovation, seeks to gain advantage of the errors of others, don't buy existing technology, sell their products without changing them, improvement of improvement of operational processes and identify market opportunities, showing full support to the regional competition.Article Metrics
Abstract: 842 PDF (Español (España)): 601PlumX metrics
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