Youth Participation in Cyberpolitics. Ways of being ando doing




Cyberpolitics, aesthetics, feelings, subjectivity, youth, social networks, social movements, Tabasco


Which are the motivations, generating actions, causing young university students cyberpolitics practices? This is a key question of the subject matter, wich causes particular understandings. It’s risky venture in to these fields that put a stepon the aesthetics condition of society, however, the getting into this world created online is also a way of approaching to the youthful world, and with it and thereby figurations or transfigurations spanning through politics as an act that is bundled with institutions and their convections. This youthful germ that keeps precursor in the social and political is configured and makes its own act; essentially up as social poetic expressions that carry with them shadows of the past or the evocations of a desired political world. It is on this theme that runs thoughtful debate poured here in essay tone. It is advert that in the cyber-politic discourse of the youth that seems to concieve politics as the ideal of common benefit and policy as the state practice and social system. Values become opposites, in the range of trust and mistrustfulness of politics. It persists a political notion that does not leave nationalism aside as an scheme of the social, wich is loaded of emotion, backed up with courage, love and hope, triangulation that mobilizes citizen change. The article is a product of the research “Youth Imaginaries and Cyberpolitics Practices” at the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT) and wich investigate the participation in social network the university students in the elections for Tabasco’s governator context that occur in july 2012.

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Author Biography

Flor de Liz Pérez Morales, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT

Doctora en Estudios Transdisciplinarios de la Cultura y la Comunicación del Instituto de Investigación en Comunicación y Cultura- Iconos. Docente e investigadora de la Universidad
Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT). División Académica de Educación y Artes.


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How to Cite

Pérez Morales, F. de L. (2016). Youth Participation in Cyberpolitics. Ways of being ando doing. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 8(15), 34–47.

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