Analysis of Youtube Phenomenon in Spain: Relationship with the audience and with traditional content sources



Youtube Spain, TV on YouTube, audience studies, digital content, audiovisual communication, viewers


The Internet video consumption has grown exponentially in recent years and YouTube has participated in this expansion of audiovisual content from its birth in 2005.

 In this article we will bring up why this social video network grows unstoppable and how it has transformed the viewer’s behavior and its relationship to traditional cultural industries, we wonder: how the Youtube user behaves? What characterizes the user? What is the trend in the interaction of videos? What is the most watched YouTube content? And what are the schemes of traditional television in their relationship with YouTube?

We emphasize that there is a community created by YouTube that condition the search to the area from which the user is connected so that social networks are required to take an expansion strategy based on glocalization to not lose market share. That the interaction of video viewers varies if it is on the Internet or at a traditional television itself when emissions are live and the online video audience adopts a passive attitude to the potential of interaction offered by the website: rate, comment or respond to other videos; also indicate that the most viewed content on the social network is derived from traditional television, and therefore, there is a translation of the influence of television to the internet waves.

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How to Cite

Gallardo Camacho, J. (2016). Analysis of Youtube Phenomenon in Spain: Relationship with the audience and with traditional content sources. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 5(9), 57–68. Retrieved from


