
  • Giovanni L. Villalón García Delegación CITMA, Santiago de Cuba- Cuba


Popularization science, communication, scientific culture, Provincial Historic Archive, Cuba, Santiaguera Science.


The popularization of science in Santiago de Cuba has become increasingly relevance in last years. There are several institutions that show a sustained work in benefit of a scientific culture with emphasis on territorial. However, limitations in the way is still seen as develop outreach activities, as these are displayed in a biased way and without the necessary conceptual and operational integration with the system of work of each scientific institution. Since this gap, the work proposes the pyramid of popularization of science as an alternative, which can further even more the informative processes research centers, showing different results public and scientific - technical services, with consequent benefits, which promotes the general informative system, as well as stimulating the territorial scientific culture.

The proposed of the pyramid of popularization of science has in its vortex the most representative or identity activity of the institution, from where it is launched and promotes the rest of the center’s activities in favor of more exchanges and visibility, conceived as an integrated activity of each center. The work is based in the organizational proposal from the theoretical and methodological, to show how it is achieved from the experiences conducted in the Provincial Historic Archive, with Dusting, monthly cultural community, and at the Center for Information and Technology Management, with Standing Santiaguera Hall of Science.

Article Metrics

|Abstract: 308 | PDF (Español (España)): 158 |

Author Biography

Giovanni L. Villalón García, Delegación CITMA, Santiago de Cuba- Cuba

Dr.C. Giovanni L. Villalón García, Especialista de Comunicación Social, Delegación CITMA, Santiago de Cuba- Cuba


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How to Cite

Villalón García, G. L. (2016). PYRAMID OF POPULARIZATION OF SCIENCE APPLIED IN SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 7(13), 91–101. Retrieved from


