THE SOUND AS A SPACE OF MEANING AND IDENTIFICATION. Reflection talking about Fonoquilla Project



Sound, geolocation, imaginary, city, identity, sound map, Barranquilla


The sound stands out as a space of significance and identification of the culture as well as a communication tool for creating relationships through interaction of an individual with a given space. Different criteria were used to classify sounds, one of them is the semantic, in this are distinguished sound categories defined by the degree of human presence, animals and natural elements, activities and objects.

The sound sources are classified as: natural sounds, like water flow, wind and animals. Artificial sounds: music, transport, etc. and social sounds: voices of people. The perception helps introduce the analogy between sound and place, it could define the sound space to deflect attention from the visual to the configuration of resonances, vibrations of materials and textures.

In the article is presented the conceptual framework from the Fonoquilla project, in which they identified sound codes of the Barranquilla city.

Article Metrics

|Abstract: 675 | PDF (Español (España)): 164 |

Author Biographies

Martha C. Romero-Moreno, Universidad Autónoma del Caribe

Magister en Comunicación. Docente adscrita al grupo de Investigación Área de Broca: Medios, Lenguaje y Sociedad- Programa de Dirección y producción de Radio y Televisión Universidad Autónoma del Caribe

Gisella Palmett, Universidad Autónoma del Caribe

Profesional en Dirección y Producción de Radio y Televisión adscrito al grupo de Investigación Área de Broca: Medios, Lenguaje y Sociedad- Programa de Dirección y producción de Radio y Televisión Universidad Autónoma del Caribe.


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How to Cite

Romero-Moreno, M. C., & Palmett, G. (2016). THE SOUND AS A SPACE OF MEANING AND IDENTIFICATION. Reflection talking about Fonoquilla Project. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 7(13), 32–41. Retrieved from


