Video game. State of the art




Video games, social cognition, violence de-sensitization.


Research on video games is becoming increasingly relevant in the field of psychology since it is evident its influence on the cultural structure of digital scenarios. This state of the art aims to analyze the changes that the studies carried out from the psychology field have had around gaming and the
attempts to generate researches from social cognition.

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Author Biographies

Yenifer Andrea Orozco, Universidad del Valle Buga

Psychology student of Universidad del Valle Buga campus, Colombia.

Michael Andrés Rojas, Universidad del Valle Buga

Psychology student of Universidad del Valle Buga campus, Colombia.

Jorge Enrique Quimbaya, Universidad del Valle Buga

Master in Psychology, profesor of Universidad del Valle Buga campus, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Orozco, Y. A., Rojas, M. A., & Quimbaya, J. E. (2020). Video game. State of the art. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 12(23), 47–65.