Analysis of the experiences of the Chaski Microcines Network (Peru) and London Worldwrite Wordbytes, in the development of the audiovisual sector




Creatives Industries, creative cities, film or audiovisual organizations, upper ground, middle ground, underground.


The principal objective of the article is analyses the role of the middle ground film organizations although the experiences of two particulars cases which are the Chaski Group (Lima) y Worldwrite (London). To achieve this, the objectives and strategies proposed by each organization are analyzed within their training programs for exploitation and exploration of content. The organizations analyzed reflect the maturation of each of the creative cities where they live and coincide in the search for development of a new creative class, building more critical and creative audiences from the exploitation of new audiovisual content. Two organizations that have pursued their objectives through training programs such as the Community Film Workshop of the Microcines Network (Chaski) and the television program Wordbytes (Worldwrite).

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Author Biography

Katherine Díaz Cervantes

Master in Cultural Management in the University of Barcelona, with specialization in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for development in the University of Barcelona. Bachelor degree in Comunication for development in the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Researcher and cultural
manager in audiovisual projects and audiovisual archives management.


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How to Cite

Díaz Cervantes, K. (2020). Analysis of the experiences of the Chaski Microcines Network (Peru) and London Worldwrite Wordbytes, in the development of the audiovisual sector. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 12(23), 85–100.