Gender Equality in Women's Professional Growth, Northeast Region of Sonora




Gender, equity, professional growth, women, glass ceiling


The present work examines gender equality in women's professional development in the northeastern Sonora region. It highlights historical barriers women have faced, including domestic roles and exclusion from certain fields of work. Despite these challenges, significant progress has been made, with gender equality emerging as a prioritized objective in society and organizations. The study analyzes policies and laws promoting equity in the workplace, and identifies areas where gender disparities persist; gender equity in the workplace is crucial for social justice and sustainable development. This study contributes to understanding factors influencing women's professional growth in the region, providing relevant information for the formulation of policies and programs aimed at promoting gender equality in the workplace.

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Author Biographies

Alma Danisa Romero Ocaño, Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Agua Prieta

Doctora en Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Magister en Ingeniería de la misma Universidad y Magister en Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Actualmente es Docente del área de Ingenierías en el Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Agua Prieta.

Mayra Karina Gálvez Díaz, Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Agua Prieta

Mayra Karina Gálvez Díaz. Doctor in Education and Educational Administration, Master’s in Education, and Bachelor’s in Psychology. Candidate in the National System of Researchers (SNI), Director and professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Agua Prieta. Member of the Interamerican Society of Psychology. Member of the National Network of Social and Solidarity Economy. Presenter at the International Conference in Madrid, Spain at the IV International Congress on Teaching Innovation and Research in Higher Education. Instructor of a Diploma in Inclusive Education. Co-author of a book chapter: Selected Topics in Psychology and Education in the Society of Sonora. Coordinator of the book: General Law of Higher Education (LGES): Proposal for Normative Harmonization in Sonora. Trained in topics such as Development of Educational Resources in Virtual Environments, Inclusive Education, Development of Teaching Competence, Tutor Training, and Social and Solidarity Economy.

Oralia del Rosario de Fátima Blanco Ortega, Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Agua Prieta

Oralia del Rosario de Fátima Blanco Ortega, PhD in Teaching from the Instituto del Desierto de Santa Ana, Master of Science in Teaching of Mathematical Sciences from the Interdisciplinary Center for Research and Teaching in Technical Education, Industrial and Systems Engineer from the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. Instructor in the Industrial Engineering area since 1997, Tutor (1999-2024), Coordinator of the Industrial Engineering Program (2022-2022) at the Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Agua Prieta.


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How to Cite

Romero Ocaño, A. D., Gálvez Díaz, M. K., & Blanco Ortega, O. del R. de F. (2024). Gender Equality in Women’s Professional Growth, Northeast Region of Sonora. Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana De Investigación En Organizaciones, Ambiente Y Sociedad, 15(24).



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