Computer-mediated communication channels and their effects on communication satisfaction


  • Ever Bedoya Universidad de Pécs



organizational communication, social networks, SMEs, computer-mediated communication


Social networks are channels integrated into the internal organizational communication; therefore, the current study examines the use of computer-mediated communication and its possible effect on communication satisfaction in Colombian SMEs from the service sector; it also examines the percentage in which these channels are used. The sample is 103 people from 4 Colombian SMEs. The results show that WhatsApp, the E-mail, and the institutional Intranet are the most used internal communication channels, while Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube show the lowest percentage; likewise, it is observed that the absence of computer-mediated communication does not impact the communication satisfaction. The implications are essential at this time of global health emergency when organizations have been forced to move to the home office.

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Author Biography

Ever Bedoya, Universidad de Pécs

Profesional en Idiomas, Administrador de Empresas, Magister en Gerencia del Talento Humano y candidato a doctor en Administración en la Facultad de Negocios y Economía de la Universidad de Pécs (Hungría). Docente de cátedra en la Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de Antioquia. Miembro activo del Grupo de Investigación en Organizaciones Yachay de la Facultad de Negocios y Economía de la Universidad de Pécs.


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How to Cite

Bedoya, E. (2021). Computer-mediated communication channels and their effects on communication satisfaction. Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana De Investigación En Organizaciones, Ambiente Y Sociedad, 12(18), 197–218.


