A reflection on the recognition of the metaphysical nature of the human sciences
social science, epistemology, scientific method, management, philosophy, methodologyAbstract
From the changes generated by the process of quest of knowledge, mankind has created a disjuncture between the natural and social sciences and philosophy. However, in this article we examine the feasibility of mixing the philosophical virtue and the scientific objectivity from a dialogic relationship to establish an indestructible dialogue between the subjective reflection and the objective knowledge, between "the brain of the natural and social sciences and the spirit of metaphysics " (Morin, 1986, p.67) under which generates a fusion of horizons that dignifies man from the unfailing recognition of otherness in both disciplines to assume the role of equal subjects, not identical.What is presented here is a reflection on the need to give the epistemological constructions of the human sciences and management a scientific character by virtue of its ability to adapt to the object of study, its method and circumstances involved.
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Abstract: 257 PDF (Español (España)): 228References
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