The nature of the Innovation Processes and interaction between Economic Agents and the Innovation Policy
innovation process, interaction among agents, exploration and exploitation, innovation policyAbstract
It is fundamental to understand the essence of the innovation process. The public and private sectors need to progress in this regard in order to attain a better design and implementation of their innovation policies. The purpose of this document is to structure, concisely and logically, the main concepts and reasoning underlying the public policy that results from a better understanding of the innovation process and the necessary interaction among economic agents. This proposal incites to think of innovation as a result and as an activity, and to promote knowledge mobilization. It suggests boosting the “opening-up” to innovation in order to respect the diversity and the distribution of knowledge, to recognize the innovation unpredictability and to take advantage of the exploration and exploitation opportunities. The condensed and methodic exposition of the Innovation Policy Microfoundations aims to provide valuable elements to the theoretical debate but also to policy makers’ controversy.Article Metrics
Abstract: 785 PDF (Español (España)): 244References
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