Benedetto Cotrugli Raugeo: Father of modern management.
Benedetto Cotrugli of Ragusa, double-entry bookkeeping, modern management, on commerce and the perfect merchant, the mercantile life of the Italian renaissanceAbstract
After searching for the origins of modern accounting from Merchant Writers of the Italian Renaissance on, the article presents Benedetto Cotrugli’s manuscript On Commerce and the Perfect Merchant (Della Mercatura et del Mercante Perfetto), as a landmark bookkeeping treatise, decisive in elucidating the intellectual origins of management in the context of the evolution of commercial thought. The purpose of the research paper is to support the working hypothesis that modern management is a result of the appearance of double-entry bookkeeping put into practice by Cotrugli, which let the enterprises look for a more rational management in order for perfect merchant to achieve social efficacy.
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