Application for design, simulation, system idetification and implementation of PID controllers - Digitrol


  • Jhon Alexander Ramírez Urrego
  • Norha Ligia Posada Restrepo Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


Design and adjustment of PID controllers, process Mathematical modeling, simulation of controlled systems, implementation of PID controllers


Two computational tools for tuning, design, simulation and implementation of PID controllers are presented. These allow data acquisition, system identification, setting and implementation controllers in the real process. The tools were developed with software commonly used in control systems. For identification, controller design and simulation Matlab® was used and for data acquisition and implementation was worked with LabVIEWTM. Data were obtained from a didactic plant and controller was tuned for the Ultimate Gain. In the simulation evidenced a high effort of control over the valve was evident, so in implementing the controller parameters were weighted, in order to improve the valve performance, thus showing the utility of the control system simulation before implementation.

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 Abstract: 1159  HTML (Español (España)): 432  PDF (Español (España)): 1133  XML (Español (España)): 51 

Author Biographies

Jhon Alexander Ramírez Urrego

Ingeniero en Instrumentación y Control. Especialista en Gerencia de Mantenimiento Universidad de Antioquia. Profesional del área de Ambiente Físico y Medio Ambiente del E.S.E. Hospital Manuel Uribe Ángel, Diagonal 31 36ª sur 80, Envigado-Colombia. Correo electrónico:

Norha Ligia Posada Restrepo, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Magíster en Ingeniería de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Especialista en Automática de la
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Ingeniera en Instrumentación y Control. Docente de la Universidad
Pontificia Bolivariana, Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Ramírez Urrego, J. A., & Posada Restrepo, N. L. (2016). Application for design, simulation, system idetification and implementation of PID controllers - Digitrol. Revista Politécnica, 12(23), 27–37. Retrieved from




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