RS/AS and nugget zone SEM analysis and mathematical equations for parameter optimization on friction stir welding tool


  • Yugandhar Meka Department of Mechanical Engineering, Research scholar, (New Horizon College of Engineering, Benga-luru), Bengaluru, India
  • Prabhakar Kammar Department of Mechanical Engineering, Professor, (Gopalan College of Engineering and Management), Bengaluru


Palabras clave:

magnesium alloys, friction stir welding tensile strength, tensile elastic limit, Poisson’s ratio, yield strength, AZ91


In order to find the ideal process parameters, the friction stir welding (FSW) production process is combined with mathematical optimisation techniques in the current thesis. In terms of optimisation, the goals (or objectives) are process- related in that they define or represent how the process behaves. The Welding Institute (TWI),UK introduced the FSW process, which has been enhanced in this study, as a relatively new welding technology in 1991. In conclusion, because the process is solid-state and does not involve melting, many of the problems of conventional fusing welding techniques may be avoided. In the FSW process, two work pieces are submerged in a spinning tool. As a result of friction and plastic dissipation, the temperature rises to the point where the material is sufficiently softened to be mixed together, forming a weld. Involving solid material ow, heat transmission, thermal softening, recrystallization, and the production of residual stresses, the process is multiphysics in nature.


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Cómo citar

Meka, Y., & Kammar, P. (2024). RS/AS and nugget zone SEM analysis and mathematical equations for parameter optimization on friction stir welding tool. Revista Politécnica, 20(39), 78–98.

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