Evaluación ambiental del proceso de elaboración de bolsas plásticas en Colombia utilizando la metodología de análisis de ciclo de vida
Life cycle assessment, carbon footprint, plastic carrier bags, indicatorAbstract
The research evaluated the production process of PP, PLA, cellulose and HDPE bags using the LCA tool. We used the international methodology published by ISO14040 and ISO14044, using impact assessment methods: CML2001, Eco-indicator 99 and ReCiPe. The analyzes were calculated using the Umberto software and the Ecoinvent 3.0 database. The production process of polypropylene bags has a carbon footprint of 1.99 kg CO2 eq, referred to 1.56 kg CO2 eq of the raw material, 0.19 kg CO2 eq of the transport, and 0.22 kg of CO2 eq of the extrusion. The process using the PLA as raw material has the lowest environmental loads (1.89X10-3 echo points Ecoindicator 99 and 0.22 ReCiPe method). The stages of extraction of crude and refining are the stages of process of greater impact. The production stage of raw materials has contributions higher than 90% for the processes of making polypropylene bag, high-density polyethylene and cellulose according to Eco indicator 99.Article Metrics
Abstract: 1954 HTML (Español (España)): 556 PDF (Español (España)): 5577 XML (Español (España)): 49References
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