The indigenous video in the Embera Chamí community. New aesthetics and circulation systems




Emberá Chamí, indigenous video, indigenous communication, appropriation, communication and information technologies, migration, resistance, aesthetics.


This text is a visual analysis of several videos by two music groups from the Emberá Chamí reservation in the municipality of Pueblo Rico Risaralda, Bidika and Ibanafarag. These groups have special features in their conception that permeate their songs, in the aesthetic construction of the video which reflects a social reality that has impacted both, their community and other social groups that have made part and victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. These reflections on the aesthetics, composition and social report on indigenous peoples ́ situation in Colombia, has been possible thanks to the appropriation these group members made about video-cameras, and the circulation of their production on the Internet.


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Author Biography

Camilo Cruz Sandoval, UAM Xochimilco Mexico

Master in Communication and Politics UAM Xochimilco Mexico City, graduated in Educational Communication.


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Bidika [Alejandro Ardila]. (2011,diciembre 25). Homenaje al maestro Virgilio. Recuperado de


Imagen 1: Bidika [Alejandro Ardila]. (2009, Octubre 26). Padachuma. Recuperado de

Imagen 2: Ibanafarag [Leonardo Morales]. (2012, Junio 18). Embera Chamí. Recuperado de

Imagen 3: Ibanafarag [Leonardo Morales]. (2012, Junio 18). Embera Chamí. Recuperado de

Imagen 4: Bidika [Alejandro Ardila]. (2011,diciembre 26).Pueblos Indígenas. Recuperado de

Imagen 5: Bidika [Alejandro Ardila]. (2009, Octubre 26). Padachuma. Recuperado de

Imagen 6: Bidika [Alejandro Ardila]. (2011, Diciembre 26). Resguardo. Recuperado de



How to Cite

Cruz Sandoval, C. (2019). The indigenous video in the Embera Chamí community. New aesthetics and circulation systems. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 11(22), 95–111.