Transmed System Model Applied to the Teaching of the Literature




Technological literacy, media competence, media convergence, collective intelligence, Systems intertextual transmedia


The article presents a transmedial system model applicable within the classroom in areas related to the teaching of literature. The text refers to the notion of Intertextual Transmedia System , which functions as a matrix that allows the integration of different histories and their respective media, accompanied by concepts of semiotics and narrative, which serve as key categories At the service of the expansion of the fictional worlds. As an outcome, we present an example of narrative expansion that allowed us to encourage reading and the creation of new stories in different formats. Conclusions highlight the achievements of the strategy and open perspectives to continue the research in the consolidation of models applicable to ICTmediated school scenaries. The article is a product of the systematization process of the TESO Digital Plan, which by it is acronym stands for "Transforming Education to Create Dreams and opportunities", a project "Forming the Future of Education in Colombia" funded by the Canadian agency IDRC and developed by EAFIT university.

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Author Biographies

Mauricio Vásquez Arias, Universidad EAFIT

Magíster en Educación y Desarrollo Humano, Universidad de Manizales - CINDE. Profesor, Departamento de Comunicación Social, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín-Colombia.

Diego Montoya Bermúdez, Universidad EAFIT

Magíster en Comunicación y Creación Cultural, Universidad CAECE, Bs. As. Argentina. Profesor, Departamento de Comunicación Social, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín – Colombia.


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How to Cite

Vásquez Arias, M., & Montoya Bermúdez, D. (2016). Transmed System Model Applied to the Teaching of the Literature. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 8(15), 84–95.