CONSUMPTION OF CONTEMPORARY JAZZ IN HAVANA The public, the concert, the experience, the taste, the knowledge and the opinion as elements of mediation and socialization


  • Reinier Aldazabal Manzano Universidad de La Habana- Cuba,



Social uses of jazz, mediations and socialization, communicology, jazz


The contemporary cuban jazz, and their production and consumption practices, supports the interests of musicologists, sociologists of culture and communicologists.

It is almost impossible escape of reflect around a cultural and playful expression which realizes a constant trend to the renewal-innovation of talents as rhythmic, which gathers public increasingly heterogeneous.

When asked what subjects do in a particular cultural manifestation, for who these actors are (dimensions according to age ranges, gender, race, education level) and the motivations and expectations of the jazz concludes with a characterization not only of those who are consuming jazz, but of which (new) meanings attributed these subjects to the manifestation from a particular communicative interaction.

The article presents some of the research results “Descargas sincopadas… Usos sociales del jazz en la Habana a partir de los públicos concurrentes a los conciertos de los jóvenes jazzistas” advanced by the author at the School of Communication of the University of Havana. It shows the nature and importance of the search that originated the study, it proposed methodological demarcations that guided the study, and the main results and the conclusions reached. Through a “look” communicative, the author asks for the appropriation process, practices and communicative interactions and mediations that mainstreamed consumption and appropriation of jazz.

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Author Biography

Reinier Aldazabal Manzano, Universidad de La Habana- Cuba,

Licenciado en Comunicación Social por la Universidad de La Habana- Cuba. Se desempeña como Especialista de Comunicación de la OficinaNacional de Diseño. Ha publicado en revistas tales como Diálogos de la Comunicación, La Jiribilla, Jazzeando, así como en el Sitio Cubano del Jazz. Es miembro del Círculo de Investigadores de la Asociación Cubanade Comunicadores Sociales.


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How to Cite

Manzano, R. A. (2015). CONSUMPTION OF CONTEMPORARY JAZZ IN HAVANA The public, the concert, the experience, the taste, the knowledge and the opinion as elements of mediation and socialization. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 5(9), 92–98.


