THE ROLE OF THE UNIVERSITY IN THE CLUSTERS: Indicators of relational capital and innovation. Cases of Argentina, Brazil and Spain


  • Mónica De Archete Universidad Argentina de la Empresa- UADE.
  • Marina Santucci Universidad Argentina de la Empresa- UADE.
  • Sandra Vanessa Welsh Universidad Argentina de la Empresa- UADE.



Clusters, role of the university in the clusters, administration of the knowledge, model of the Intelect Club, relational capital and innovation, Technological Parks


The article describes the role of the university in the cooperation spaces in general and in the clusters in particular as well as the different structures for its linking: incubators, parks and technological poles; it develops the different economic theories that they base the clusters. It proposes indicators for the analysis of the administration of the knowledge in the clusters with base in the Pattern of the Intelect Club: human, structural, relational, and organizational capital. It presents the analysis, carried out with this Model, to some clusters located in Spain (Basque country), Brazil and Argentina [1].

It is among the conclusions that in Argentina the role of the University is to form highly qualified professionals and also the technology transfer. In the case of Brazil, it is indicated that the University improves the asymmetry of the knowledge by means of different courses and trainings that it provides to the companies and that its role also implies innovation generation, investigation and the development of incubators of companies, which it carries out by means of the administration unit Tecnosinos.

In the case of Spain it is indicated that the role that completes the university in the cluster is defined as relational, what implies that the value of the university in the cluster, it is given by the group of relationships that it maintains with the environment what favors the integration. It contributes innovation capital when systematizing and modeling arisen knowledge of the cluster. It carries out actions that consist of publications, organization of fairs of companies and also development of combined projects of investigation [2].

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Author Biographies

Mónica De Archete, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa- UADE.

Profesoras adscriptas a la investigación del Instituto de Investigación dela Facultad de Administración y Negocios de la Universidad Argentina de laEmpresa- UADE.

Marina Santucci, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa- UADE.

Profesoras adscriptas a la investigación del Instituto de Investigación dela Facultad de Administración y Negocios de la Universidad Argentina de laEmpresa- UADE.

Sandra Vanessa Welsh, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa- UADE.

Profesoras adscriptas a la investigación del Instituto de Investigación dela Facultad de Administración y Negocios de la Universidad Argentina de laEmpresa- UADE.


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How to Cite

De Archete, M., Santucci, M., & Welsh, S. V. (2015). THE ROLE OF THE UNIVERSITY IN THE CLUSTERS: Indicators of relational capital and innovation. Cases of Argentina, Brazil and Spain. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 5(9), 1–17.


