CULTURE: Its meanings and different models of scientific and technical culture


  • Javier Gómez Ferri Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid


Knowledge society, public understanding of science, sociology of culture, sociology of knowledge


The expression «scientific culture» has become a fashionable term. This expression can be considered a modern terminological twist on past terms and practices of scientific education and communication. It represents an update that seems to fit better with today’s knowledge society. It is an improvement over more limited expressions, and it also benefits from the positive associations of the term «culture». However, adopting the term «culture» also raises several issues.

As the old conceptual framework is transformed, it also gives rise to a new semantic field that inherits the problems caused by the polysemy of the term «culture». The different conceptions of the relationship between power and knowledge in society, inherent to the different meanings of «culture», are thereby transferred onto the conceptual field of «scientific culture». Each of those meanings carries implications into the domain of scientific culture that should be explored and analyzed. We distinguish three basic meanings of «culture» and derive from them three models of scientific culture: a canonical model, a descriptive model, and a contextual model. As we show, each of these models has its own educational, social and political implications.

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|Abstract: 757 | PDF (Español (España)): 242 |

Author Biography

Javier Gómez Ferri, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Doctor en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación y Licenciado en Antropología Social. Se formó como investigador en las Universidades de Valencia y Jaume I de Castellon (España), ampliando sus estudios en las de Costa Rica, Notre Dame, y Pennsylvania State. Sus investigaciones se han centrado en torno a la dimensión social y cultural de la ciencia y de la Tecnología, y más recientemente sobre los movimientos sociales de defensa del patrimonio urbano y ecológico.

Es Docente en el Departamento de Sociología y Antropología Social de la Universidad de Valencia, España.


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How to Cite

Ferri, J. G. (2015). CULTURE: Its meanings and different models of scientific and technical culture. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 4(7), 80–90. Retrieved from


