Harry Potter and the Principles of Educational Guidance Towards the Construction of Assertive Individuals with a Vision of Transcendence


  • Nelson Henriquez Sociólogo, MSc. En Gerencia Educativa y Doctor en Gerencia Avanzada. Docente Postgrado Universidad Fermín Toro y Docente Pregrado UNELLEZ


Educational orientation, human person, resiliense, trascendence, humanistic ethics


The present essay has the purpose of argumentation to propose the application of the tips of the adolescent's evolutionary orientation, through the Harry Potter saga from the realities present in human growth. The ethical, humanistic and existential vision of J.K Rowling, which has been analyzed in other authors from an ethical, managerial and philosophical point of view, gives epistemological object to this work as a basis to achieve that humanizing orientation, which is needed, from the integrality of the human person in search of the sense of transcendence, resilience, humanistic ethics that is intended to be fixed in young people, are visualized in the story developed in the seven books between Dumbledore (counselor (and Harry Potter (oriented), visualizing the development of adolescence from the age of 11 until the adulthood of the character.

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How to Cite

Henriquez, N. (2024). Harry Potter and the Principles of Educational Guidance Towards the Construction of Assertive Individuals with a Vision of Transcendence. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 16(31), 37–48. Retrieved from https://revistas.elpoli.edu.co/index.php/luc/article/view/2423