Storytelling at the Point of Sale, A Bibliographic Study to Understand the Power of Narrative in Commercial Transactions.


  • Carlos Andrés Arango Lozano Publicista, Certified Flash MX - Macromedia, Especialista en Animación Digital, Magíster en Publicidad
  • Néstor Andrés Sáenz Rueda Publicista


story, communication, seller, point of sale


This article presents the findings of a bibliographic study composed of an exploration of the concept of storytelling based on what was proposed by academics and the publications they have made on this topic. The objective was to contribute to describing the role of narrative in establishing more strategic commercial transactions compared to conventional sales types. The challenges at the organizational level that business advisors and sales leaders face were explored, building and appropriating narratives that manage to connect their clients, especially emotionally, with the brand they want to sell. For this challenge, it was necessary to delve deeper into the definition of the role, the competencies and skills that a commercial agent must acquire. As a recommendation, companies need to implement mechanisms, challenges and forms of appropriation of multichannel experiences that are combined with storytelling strategies to face the transformations that the market is imposing

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How to Cite

Arango Lozano, C. A., & Sáenz Rueda, N. A. (2023). Storytelling at the Point of Sale, A Bibliographic Study to Understand the Power of Narrative in Commercial Transactions. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 15(30), 5–18. Retrieved from