Proposal For An Audiovisual Literacy


  • María Sofía Borsini Escuela Provincial de Cine y Tv 3021, Rosario, Argentina


images, teacher training and improvement, transmedia, visual and verbal literacy


This intervention work proposes an approach to a problem that, as a graduate in audiovisual production and production and a university professor, I consider to be of the utmost importance.

The field of image study was always present in my undergraduate academic training, but as I became more integrated into the world of teaching, I noticed that, although we live with images on a daily basis and use them all the time in our classes, we do not reflect on their forms of production and how they may be unconsciously conditioning the messages we try to convey. Thus, in this paper, I dedicated myself to deepen the need to encourage this type of training and competence in teachers. The fundamental nucleus of the question lay in the importance of equating the learning of visual codes to the same level that we grant in education to verbal decoding, that is, literacy in reading and writing. For this specific situation, we came up with the term “visual literacy”.

Is it possible to become literate in the artistic and sensory field? Can you teach to read an image? In order to propose a possible approach to these questions, an intervention project was designed to be worked on by the teachers for secondary and higher education of the Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Rosario Regional Headquarters with the extension of data collection through interviews with teachers of the specificity.


Article Metrics

|Abstract: 84 | PDF (Español (España)): 66 |


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How to Cite

Borsini, M. S. (2023). Proposal For An Audiovisual Literacy. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 15(29), 100–114. Retrieved from