Storytelling hunts with heart, a creator's perspective


  • Raúl Alberto Henao Vélez Magister en Comunicación Educativa Especialista en Guion y dirección de Televisión Maestro en artes Plásticas Politecnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid


Storytelling, Hunting, Toxic, Perspective, Creator


The persuasive power of storytelling in the current media universe presents the receiver as the most important objective of all kinds of stories, which seek the positioning of a brand. This article, related as a storytelling, exposes the experiences of a storyteller and researcher, Emerson, who, as the author's alter ego, recounts the self-reflection experiences that have been necessary for the creation of stories that seek to awaken emotions, thoughts and actions of receptors. However, Emerson first requires persuading himself. Seek in him his deepest convictions and values ​​about what he narrates. He seeks to hunt the receiver from the sincerity of his heart. The subtext contains above all an ethical message about the responsibility involved in telling stories that will influence the behavior of others, in the midst of a toxic media

universe contaminated by the vanity of hunting at all costs the attention of an unsuspecting receiver. , with bland and irresponsible content with the improvement of the quality of life of people and society. 

Article Metrics

|Abstract: 100 | PDF (Español (España)): 53 |


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How to Cite

Henao Vélez, R. A. (2023). Storytelling hunts with heart, a creator’s perspective. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 14(28), 46–52. Retrieved from