


spirituality, spirituality at work, experiences of spirituality


This article aims to present the results of a qualitative study, type descriptive-interpretative, based on semi-structured interviews that conducted with various workers from different companies in the city of Medellín, through which was possible to characterize the meanings of spirituality experiences in the context of organizational and work. The results allowed us to conclude that spirituality allows, and fosters multiple well-being experiences for people; in addition, it helps them to understand emotions and manage states of stress and disturbance; and finally, it helps to find meaning in what they do, and experiencing connection with their community, and with their team’s job. As a result, spirituality at work is experienced as a force that provides motivation and energy, and allows people to self-actualize and feel that they transcend.

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Author Biographies

Hernán Felipe Monsalve Ospina, Universidad EAFIT

Master in Human Organizational Development
from EAFIT University, Specialist in Human Development Management, Public Accountant and Neuroemotional and
Public Accountant and Neuroemotional and Syntergetic Therapist. Founder and Professor at
Fundación Casa Arcoíris and author of the book Fuerza Multicolor.

Johnny Javier Orejuela Gómez, Universidad EAFIT

D. in Work Psychology from the
University of Sao Paulo- Brazil, Master in Sociology from Universidad del Valle, Psychologist and
Valle, Psychologist and Psychoanalyst. Professor of Psychology at the Universidad EAFIT.
Universidad EAFIT, author of several books and research articles and Director of Tu Tesis sin Angustia
of Tu Tesis sin Angustia.


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How to Cite

Monsalve Ospina, H. F., & Orejuela Gómez, J. J. (2024). MEANINGS OF SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES IN THE ORGANIZATIONAL AND WORK WORLD. Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana De Investigación En Organizaciones, Ambiente Y Sociedad, 15(24).



Artículo de Investigación