Potential impacts of the adoption of IFRS 16 on the financial indicators of Brazilian companies
IAS 17, IFRS 16, leases, financial indicatorsAbstract
This study seeks to identify the effects introduced by the new financial lease accounting standard - IFRS 16 in Brazilian companies from different sectors, with a predominance of agribusiness and natural resources. The study bases its analysis on the 2017 Financial Statements. Although an increase in the financial leverage of the companies after adopting the new standard is expected, such a fact does not necessarily define a deterioration in the credit ratings nor an increase in the companies' cost of capital. This effect can be explained since the condition of companies' cash generation is not modified exclusively by adopting the new standard. In addition, adopting the new accounting standard reduced companies' net income in the first years after adoption.
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Copyright (c) 2021 André Luiz Gonçalves, George André Willrich Sales , Marta Cristina Pelucio Grecco

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