Critical vision of the theory of strategic management. A methodological and epistemological evaluation.


  • Omar Aktouf HEC de Montreal


strategic management, competitive advantage, Michael Porter


This article is an epistemological and methodological questioning the conceptual basis of the theory of Michel Porter's competitiveness and explanatory evidence weaknesses that jeopardize its worldwide recognition. Confronted with arguments Habermas, Morgan Galbraith, Klein and work Powel and Peffer, the Porterian theory exposes contradictions that show theoretical weakness, as the absence of building the concept of competitive advantage and epistemological poverty as the intended normativizo of this theory, whose arguments suffer positive reductionism and led to its engine to recognize the value of other adverse to his speech proposals. According to the author, the limited predictive capacities of their five forces, reveal the ideological intention of Potter, who assumes via easy validate the power of the powerful, while the methodological evade responsibility for their statements and in the recognition afinaza experts, rather than the thoroughness of their proposals.


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How to Cite

Aktouf, O. (2010). Critical vision of the theory of strategic management. A methodological and epistemological evaluation. Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana De Investigación En Organizaciones, Ambiente Y Sociedad, 1(1), 13–32. Retrieved from