Relationship of Movement Theories and the physical-social environment, in the perception of Students with disabilities of the Austral University of Chile
disability, social physical environment, movement dysfunction, students with disabilities, universityAbstract
The research aimed to analyze the overall socio-physical environment and its relationship with the movement theories, from a kinesiologic viewpoint and from the perspective of students with physical disabilities of Universidad Austral de Chile. A qualitative approach through action-research was used, together with multiple models and motion theories. It was concluded that independently of any disability, the main barriers are of a social nature, supported by the attitude of some academics who generate a dysfunction within the social movement. It has been seen that physical barriers are possible to be sorted out through social facilitators. Unlike social barriers, for which do not exist, or has not been demonstrated so far, the existence of any mechanism to circumvent them.Article Metrics
Abstract: 381 PDF (Español (España)): 627References
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