Design of a computer program to calculate the ecological footprint of food
ecological footprint, food, municipal level, calculation softwareAbstract
Its presents the process of designing a computer program to calculate the Ecological Footprint of Food, whose proposes a tool useful, in special to meet the food consumption of a community and to plan actions for local food production. The steps to develop the program, which is supported by the Service-Oriented Architecture, are described. This first version includes labeling modules, surveys design, product parameterization, data loading, data verification, ecological footprint calculation and reporting. The program is applied in a city of medium scale of Northwest of the province of Chubut, in the Patagonia andina argentina. The results, although they are preliminary, realizes that the program can be a valuable contribution for the purposes previously mentioned.Article Metrics
Abstract: 432 PDF (Español (España)): 220References
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