Corporate social responsibility in industrial companies in Ibagué


  • Mario Enrique Uribe Macías Universidad del Tolima


corporate social responsibility, industrial enterprises from Ibague, stakeholders


CSR is a tendency that has been incorporating to the strategy of organizations. This article results from a research project that analyzed the activities of CSR that are accomplishing the enterprises of the industrial sector of Ibague: its objective is characterizing those activities and practices. An analysis of 29 enterprises of Ibague (16 subsectors) registered in the Chamber Of Commerce and classifi ed like median and big was accomplished; descriptive and factorial analysis were accomplished: were extracted 6 factors of the 64 analyzed variables. Studied companies fulfi ll the legal requests, in the primary level according to the theoretic focus of Cadbury; and in the descriptive/empiric focus of Donaldson and Preston.

Author Biography

Mario Enrique Uribe Macías, Universidad del Tolima

Mario Enrique Uribe Macías es PhD. En Gerencia de proyectos por la Universidad EAN, Magíster en Administración del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Actualmente es Profesor titular de la Universidad del Tolima


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How to Cite

Uribe Macías, M. E. (2016). Corporate social responsibility in industrial companies in Ibagué. Teuken Bidikay - Revista Latinoamericana De Investigación En Organizaciones, Ambiente Y Sociedad, 7(8), 59–81. Retrieved from


