Efficiency study applied to dairy products under data envolopment analysis
data envelopment analysis, technical e ciency, productivityAbstract
This article is a result of an applied research project for a dairy company, where Data Envelopment Analysis-DEA is implemented to evaluate the technical e ciency of its main products. This was developed in three steps. In the rst step, were analyzed and determined what input and output variables a ects the relative e ciency of each of the products, with corresponding scale of measurement. In the second, the CCR-I, BCC-I and ARG-IV models, in order to evaluate and adjust the behavior of the weights were implemented. Finally, a comparative summary of the e ciencies of the models used, and a plan of action that organization should follow for each of the products that did not reach the respective e ciency frontier based on the chosen model was performed.
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Abstract: 460 PDF (Español (España)): 343References
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