Implementation of a Non-Linear Control For Robot-Human Tracking with a 3D Sensor
skeleton tracking, Kinect® sensor, human tracking robot, non-linear controlAbstract
At present more adult persons need of mechatronic devices that facilitate and help them in his daily activities. The mobile robots turned into a good alternative due to the fact that nowadays the technology has allowed that they can recognize and make the tracking of a person. In this work, is used the Robotics platform Pionner 3-AT® and a sensor of depth Kinect® to making the tracking of a person. Sequences of images of depth and an algorithm of recognition of skeletons, supplied by the Kinect®, it allows to know and to estimate the coordinates and speed of a person, that to be introduced to the non-linear control based on linearization by feedback, it generates the command of linear and angular speed that will made that the robot keep an orientation and distance wished to a person. Finally, we introduce and argue the results achieved after carry out the validation of the algorithm with a series of experimental tests.
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