Investigaciones realizadas en Colombia relacionadas con actividad física y obesidad 2010-2020


  • Elkin Eduardo Roldán-Aguilar Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid orcid
  • Giancarlo Vergara-Ramos Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid
  • Andrés Felipe Jaramillo-Osorno Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid


Palabras clave:

Actividad física, obesidad, revisión sistemática, Colombia


Introducción: La obesidad es un problema de salud pública mundial. La actividad física es una herramienta importante de promoción y prevención de este problema. Se desconoce las investigaciones realizadas en Colombia al respecto, lo cual es necesario para implementar políticas públicas eficientes. Objetivo: analizar las investigaciones colombianas encontradas en bases de datos científicas sobre la actividad física y obesidad. Metodología: revisión sistemática de artículos de investigación realizados en Colombia del año 2010 al 2020, en las bases de datos PubMed y SciELO.  Resultados: de 87 artículos encontrados, 23 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. El 91,3 % publicados en revistas indexadas internacionalmente. 69,5% estudios observacionales, 17,4% ensayos clínicos y 8,7% revisiones sistemáticas. Conclusiones: poca producción en Colombia. La mayoría en revistas indexadas, tuvieron diseño observacional y encontraron asociación entre poca actividad física con sobrepeso/obesidad. Alta prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad. Pocos autores fueron profesionales en el área del deporte y el entrenamiento.

Introduction: Obesity is a global public health problem. Physical activity and exercise are important tools for promoting and preventing. The research carried out in Colombia in this regard is unknown, which is necessary to implement efficient public policies. Objective: to analyze Colombian research found in scientific databases on physical activity or exercise in overweight and obesity. Methodology: literary review of research articles carried out in Colombia from 2010 to 2020, in the PubMed and SciELO databases. Results: Of 87 articles found, 23 met the inclusion criteria. 91.3% published in internationally indexed journals. 69.5% observational studies, 17.4% clinical trials and 8.7% systematic reviews. Conclusions: little production in Colombia. Most of the indexed journals had an observational design and found an association between little physical activity and overweight/obesity. High prevalence of overweight/obesity. Few authors were professionals in the area of training.

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Biografía del autor/a

Elkin Eduardo Roldán-Aguilar, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Profesional en deporte y estudiante de la Maestría en gerencia de organizaciones deportivas y recreativas del Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Giancarlo Vergara-Ramos, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Médico especialista en Medicina aplicada a la actividad física y deporte y docente del Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Andrés Felipe Jaramillo-Osorno, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Estudiante de Profesional en deporte del Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid


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García-Hermoso, A., Cerrillo-Urbina, A. J., Herrera-Valenzuela, T., Cristi-Montero, C., Saavedra, J. M., & Martínez-Vizcaíno, V. (2016). Is high-intensity interval training more effective on improving cardiometabolic risk and aerobic capacity than other forms of exercise in overweight and obese youth? A meta-analysis. Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 17(6), 531–540.

Keating, S. E., Machan, E. A., O'Connor, H. T., Gerofi, J. A., Sainsbury, A., Caterson, I. D., & Johnson, N. A. (2014). Continuous exercise but not high intensity interval training improves fat distribution in overweight adults. Journal of obesity, 2014, 834865.

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Ruíz-Roso, M. B., de Carvalho Padilha, P., Matilla-Escalante, D. C., Brun, P., Ulloa, N., Acevedo-Correa, D., Arantes Ferreira Peres, W., Martorell, M., Rangel Bousquet Carrilho, T., de Oliveira Cardoso, L., Carrasco-Marín, F., Paternina-Sierra, K., Lopez de Las Hazas, M. C., Rodriguez-Meza, J. E., Villalba-Montero, L. F., Bernabè, G., Pauletto, A., Taci, X., Cárcamo-Regla, R., Martínez, J. A., … Dávalos, A. (2020). Changes of Physical Activity and Ultra-Processed Food Consumption in Adolescents from Different Countries during Covid-19 Pandemic: An Observational Study. Nutrients, 12(8), 2289.

Broyles, S. T., Denstel, K. D., Church, T. S., Chaput, J. P., Fogelholm, M., Hu, G., Kuriyan, R., Kurpad, A., Lambert, E. V., Maher, C., Maia, J., Matsudo, V., Olds, T., Onywera, V., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Tremblay, M. S., Tudor-Locke, C., Zhao, P., Katzmarzyk, P. T., … ISCOLE Research Group (2015). The epidemiological transition and the global childhood obesity epidemic. International journal of obesity supplements, 5(Suppl 2), S3–S8.

González-Ruiz, K., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Correa-Bautista, J. E., Peterson, M. D., & García-Hermoso, A. (2017). The Effects of Exercise on Abdominal Fat and Liver Enzymes in Pediatric Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Childhood obesity (Print), 13(4), 272–282.

Blümel, J. E., Fica, J., Chedraui, P., Mezones-Holguín, E., Zuñiga, M. C., Witis, S., Vallejo, M. S., Tserotas, K., Sánchez, H., Onatra, W., Ojeda, E., Mostajo, D., Monterrosa, A., Lima, S., Martino, M., Hernández-Bueno, J. A., Gómez, G., Espinoza, M. T., Flores, D., Calle, A., … Collaborative Group for Research of the Climacteric in Latin America (2016). Sedentary lifestyle in middle-aged women is associated with severe menopausal symptoms and obesity. Menopause (New York, N.Y.), 23(5), 488–493.

Katzmarzyk, P. T., Barreira, T. V., Broyles, S. T., Champagne, C. M., Chaput, J. P., Fogelholm, M., Hu, G., Johnson, W. D., Kuriyan, R., Kurpad, A., Lambert, E. V., Maher, C., Maia, J., Matsudo, V., Olds, T., Onywera, V., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Tremblay, M. S., Tudor-Locke, C., … ISCOLE Research Group (2015). Relationship between lifestyle behaviors and obesity in children ages 9-11: Results from a 12-country study. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 23(8), 1696–1702.

Rosengren, A., Teo, K., Rangarajan, S., Kabali, C., Khumalo, I., Kutty, V. R., Gupta, R., Yusuf, R., Iqbal, R., Ismail, N., Altuntas, Y., Kelishadi, R., Diaz, R., Avezum, A., Chifamba, J., Zatonska, K., Wei, L., Liao, X., Lopez-Jaramillo, P., Yusufali, A., … Yusuf, S. (2015). Psychosocial factors and obesity in 17 high-, middle- and low-income countries: the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiologic study. International journal of obesity (2005), 39(8), 1217–1223.

Rodríguez Rojas, Yúber Liliana, & Argüello Gutiérrez, Yenny Paola. (2014). PROGRAMAS DE PROMOCIÓN Y PREVENCIÓN PARA EL ABORDAJE DE LA OBESIDAD INFANTIL: UNA REVISIÓN SISTEMÁTICA. Hacia la Promoción de la Salud, 19(2), 111-126.

Peltzer, K., Pengpid, S., Samuels, T. A., Özcan, N. K., Mantilla, C., Rahamefy, O. H., Wong, M. L., & Gasparishvili, A. (2014). Prevalence of overweight/obesity and its associated factors among university students from 22 countries. International journal of environmental research and public health, 11(7), 7425–7441.

Katzmarzyk, P. T., Barreira, T. V., Broyles, S. T., Champagne, C. M., Chaput, J. P., Fogelholm, M., Hu, G., Johnson, W. D., Kuriyan, R., Kurpad, A., Lambert, E. V., Maher, C., Maia, J., Matsudo, V., Olds, T., Onywera, V., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Tremblay, M. S., Tudor-Locke, C., … Church, T. S. (2015). Physical Activity, Sedentary Time, and Obesity in an International Sample of Children. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 47(10), 2062–2069.

Aballay, L. R., Eynard, A. R., Díaz, M., Navarro, A., & Muñoz, S. E. (2013). Overweight and obesity: a review of their relationship to metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and cancer in South America. Nutrition reviews, 71(3), 168–179.

Ladino, L. D., Hernández-Ronquillo, L., & Téllez-Zenteno, J. F. (2014). Obesity and its association with generalised epilepsy, idiopathic syndrome, and family history of epilepsy. Epileptic disorders: international epilepsy journal with videotape, 16(3), 343–353.

Delgado-Floody, Pedro, Caamaño-Navarrete, Felipe, Jerez-Mayorga, Daniel, Cofré-Lizama, Alfonso, Osorio-Poblete, Aldo, Campos-Jara, Christian, Guzmán-Guzmán, Iris, Martínez-Salazar, Cristian, & Carcamo-Oyarzun, Jaime. (2017). Obesidad, autoestima y condición física en escolares. Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, 65(1), 43-48.

Li, N., Zhao, P., Diao, C., Qiao, Y., Katzmarzyk, P. T., Chaput, J. P., Fogelholm, M., Kuriyan, R., Kurpad, A., Lambert, E. V., Maher, C., Maia, J., Matsudo, V., Olds, T., Onywera, V., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Tremblay, M. S., Tudor-Locke, C., Hu, G., … ISCOLE Research Group (2019). Joint associations between weekday and weekend physical activity or sedentary time and childhood obesity. International journal of obesity (2005), 43(4), 691–700.

De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Van Dyck, D., Salvo, D., Davey, R., Reis, R. S., Schofield, G., Sarmiento, O. L., Mitas, J., Christiansen, L. B., MacFarlane, D., Sugiyama, T., Aguinaga-Ontoso, I., Owen, N., Conway, T. L., Sallis, J. F., & Cerin, E. (2015). International study of perceived neighbourhood environmental attributes and Body Mass Index: IPEN Adult study in 12 countries. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 12, 62.

Van Dyck, D., Cerin, E., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Hinckson, E., Reis, R. S., Davey, R., Sarmiento, O. L., Mitas, J., Troelsen, J., MacFarlane, D., Salvo, D., Aguinaga-Ontoso, I., Owen, N., Cain, K. L., & Sallis, J. F. (2015). International study of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time with body mass index and obesity: IPEN adult study. International journal of obesity (2005), 39(2), 199–207.

Chaput, J. P., Barnes, J. D., Tremblay, M. S., Fogelholm, M., Hu, G., Lambert, E. V., Maher, C., Maia, J., Olds, T., Onywera, V., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Tudor-Locke, C., & Katzmarzyk, P. T. (2018). Inequality in physical activity, sedentary behaviour, sleep duration and risk of obesity in children: a 12-country study. Obesity science & practice, 4(3), 229–237.

Palafox, M. L., Celis, L., del Socorro Camarillo Romero, M., Russi, A., Hinojosa Juárez, A. C., Almonacid Urrego, C. C., Romero, E. C., & Zerón, H. M. (2019). Identification of metabolic indicators for cardiovascular risk in schoolchildren. Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny, 70(1), 89–96.

García-Hermoso, A., Ramírez-Vélez, R., & Saavedra, J. M. (2019). Exercise, health outcomes, and pædiatric obesity: A systematic review of meta-analyses. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 22(1), 76–84.

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Jalo, E., Konttinen, H., Vepsäläinen, H., Chaput, J. P., Hu, G., Maher, C., Maia, J., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Tudor-Locke, C., Katzmarzyk, P. T., & Fogelholm, M. (2019). Emotional Eating, Health Behaviours, and Obesity in Children: A 12-Country Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients, 11(2), 351.

Ramírez-Vélez, R., García-Hermoso, A., Hackney, A. C., & Izquierdo, M. (2019). Effects of exercise training on Fetuin-a in obese, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in adults and elderly: a systematic review and Meta-analysis. Lipids in health and disease, 18(1), 23.

García-Hermoso, A., González-Ruiz, K., Triana-Reina, H. R., Olloquequi, J., & Ramírez-Vélez, R. (2017). Effects of Exercise on Carotid Arterial Wall Thickness in Obese Pediatric Populations: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Childhood obesity (Print), 13(2), 138–145.

Mancipe Navarrete, Jenny Alejandra, García Villamil, Shanen Samanta, Correa Bautista, Jorge Enrique, Meneses-Echávez, José Francisco, González-Jiménez, Emilio, & Schmidt-RioValle, Jacqueline. (2015). Efectividad de las intervenciones educativas realizadas en América Latina para la prevención del sobrepeso y obesidad infantil en niños escolares de 6 a 17 años: una revisión sistemática. Nutrición Hospitalaria, 31(1), 102-114.

Aitsi-Selmi, A., Bell, R., Shipley, M. J., & Marmot, M. G. (2014). Education modifies the association of wealth with obesity in women in middle-income but not low-income countries: an interaction study using seven national datasets, 2005-2010. PloS one, 9(3), e90403.

Compean-Ortiz, Lidia Guadalupe, Quintero-Valle, Luz María, Del Ángel-Pérez, Beatriz, Reséndiz-González, Eunice, Salazar-González, Bertha Cecilia, & González-González, José Gerardo. (2013). Educación, actividad física y obesidad en adultos con diabetes tipo 2 desde la perspectiva del autocuidado de Orem. Aquichan, 13(3), 347-362. Retrieved June 07, 2021, from

Rodríguez, D. A., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Valera, J. L., Sauleda, J., Togores, B., Galdiz, J. B., Gea, J., Orozco-Levi, M., Ferrer, A., Gomez, F. P., Barberà, J. A., Serra, I., Antó, J. M., Roca, J., & PAC-COPD Study Group (2014). Determinants of exercise capacity in obese and non-obese COPD patients. Respiratory medicine, 108(5), 745–751.

LeBlanc, A. G., Katzmarzyk, P. T., Barreira, T. V., Broyles, S. T., Chaput, J. P., Church, T. S., Fogelholm, M., Harrington, D. M., Hu, G., Kuriyan, R., Kurpad, A., Lambert, E. V., Maher, C., Maia, J., Matsudo, V., Olds, T., Onywera, V., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Tudor-Locke, C., … ISCOLE Research Group (2015). Correlates of Total Sedentary Time and Screen Time in 9-11 Year-Old Children around the World: The International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment. PloS one, 10(6), e0129622.

García-Hermoso, A., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Ramírez-Campillo, R., Peterson, M. D., & Martínez-Vizcaíno, V. (2018). Concurrent aerobic plus resistance exercise versus aerobic exercise alone to improve health outcomes in pediatric obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine, 52(3), 161–166.

Dumuid, D., Stanford, T. E., Martin-Fernández, J. A., Pedišić, Ž., Maher, C. A., Lewis, L. K., Hron, K., Katzmarzyk, P. T., Chaput, J. P., Fogelholm, M., Hu, G., Lambert, E. V., Maia, J., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Barreira, T. V., Broyles, S. T., Tudor-Locke, C., Tremblay, M. S., & Olds, T. (2018). Compositional data analysis for physical activity, sedentary time and sleep research. Statistical methods in medical research, 27(12), 3726–3738.

Qiao, Y., Ma, J., Wang, Y., Li, W., Katzmarzyk, P. T., Chaput, J. P., Fogelholm, M., Johnson, W. D., Kuriyan, R., Kurpad, A., Lambert, E. V., Maher, C., Maia, J., Matsudo, V., Olds, T., Onywera, V., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Tremblay, M. S., Tudor-Locke, C., … ISCOLE Research Group (2015). Birth weight and childhood obesity: a 12-country study. International journal of obesity supplements, 5(Suppl 2), S74–S79.

LeBlanc, A. G., Katzmarzyk, P. T., Barreira, T. V., Broyles, S. T., Chaput, J. P., Church, T. S., Fogelholm, M., Harrington, D. M., Hu, G., Kuriyan, R., Kurpad, A., Lambert, E. V., Maher, C., Maia, J., Matsudo, V., Olds, T., Onywera, V., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Tudor-Locke, C., … ISCOLE Research Group (2015). ¿Are participant characteristics from ISCOLE study sites comparable to the rest of their country? International journal of obesity supplements, 5(Suppl 2), S9–S16.

Ramírez-Cardona, Lorena, & Valenzuela-Cazes, Alejandra. (2014). Aplicación del test de 6 minutos en personas con obesidad, en un programa de actividad física. Revista de Salud Pública, 16(4), 516-521.

Delgado-Floody, P., Álvarez, C., Lusa Cadore, E., Flores-Opazo, M., Caamaño-Navarrete, F., & Izquierdo, M. (2019). Preventing metabolic syndrome in morbid obesity with resistance training: Reporting interindividual variability. Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD, 29(12), 1368–1381.

Luis de Moraes Ferrari, G., Kovalskys, I., Fisberg, M., Gomez, G., Rigotti, A., Sanabria, L., García, M., Torres, R., Herrera-Cuenca, M., Zimberg, I. Z., Guajardo, V., Pratt, M., Pires, C., Solé, D., & ELANS Study Group (2019). Association of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity with neck circumference in eight Latin American countries. BMC public health, 19(1), 809.

Gamboa-Delgado, Edna Magaly, Domínguez-Urrego, Clara Lucía, & Quintero-Lesmes, Doris Cristina. (2017). Waist-to-height ratio and its relation with cardiometabolic risk factors in children from Bucaramanga, Colombia. Nutrición Hospitalaria, 34(6), 1338-1344.

Velasco-Orjuela, G. P., Domínguez-Sanchéz, M. A., Hernández, E., Correa-Bautista, J. E., Triana-Reina, H. R., García-Hermoso, A., Peña-Ibagon, J. C., Izquierdo, M., Cadore, E. L., Hackney, A. C., & Ramírez-Vélez, R. (2018). Acute effects of high-intensity interval, resistance or combined exercise protocols on testosterone - cortisol responses in inactive overweight individuals. Physiology & behavior, 194, 401–409.

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Gómez-Arbeláez, D., Camacho, P. A., Cohen, D. D., Rincón-Romero, K., Alvarado-Jurado, L., Pinzón, S., Duperly, J., & López-Jaramillo, P. (2014). Higher household income and the availability of electronic devices and transport at home are associated with higher waist circumference in Colombian children: the ACFIES study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 11(2), 1834–1843.

Acevedo-Pabón, Ángel F, Manrique-Abril, Fred G, & Ospina-Díaz, Juan M. (2015). Impact of vigorous exercise on serum levels of L-carnitine in prisoners in Colombia. Revista de Salud Pública, 17(5), 689-698.

Gonzalez-Casanova, I., Sarmiento, O. L., Pratt, M., Gazmararian, J. A., Martorell, R., Cunningham, S. A., & Stein, A. (2014). Individual, family, and community predictors of overweight and obesity among colombian children and adolescents. Preventing chronic disease, 11, E134.

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Fisberg, M., Kovalskys, I., Gómez, G., Rigotti, A., Cortés, L. Y., Herrera-Cuenca, M., Yépez, M. C., Pareja, R. G., Guajardo, V., Zimberg, I. Z., Chiavegatto Filho, A., Pratt, M., Koletzko, B., Tucker, K. L., & ELANS Study Group (2016). Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health (ELANS): rationale and study design. BMC public health, 16, 93.

González-Zapata, Laura I., Cecilia Deossa, Gloria, Monsalve-Álvarez, Julia, Díaz-García, Juliana, Babio, Nancy, & Salas-Salvado, Jordi. (2013). Metabolic syndrome in healthcare personnel at the University of Antioquia-Colombia: LATINMETS study. Nutrición Hospitalaria, 28(2), 522-531.

Tudor-Locke, C., Mire, E. F., Barreira, T. V., Schuna, J. M., Chaput, J. P., Fogelholm, M., Hu, G., Kurpad, A., Kuriyan, R., Lambert, E. V., Maher, C., Maia, J., Matsudo, V., Olds, T., Onywera, V., Sarmiento, O. L., Standage, M., Tremblay, M. S., Zhao, P., Church, T. S., … ISCOLE Research Group (2015). Nocturnal sleep-related variables from 24-h free-living waist-worn accelerometry: International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment. International journal of obesity supplements, 5(Suppl 2), S47–S52.

Morales, L. F., Gordon-Larsen, P., & Guilkey, D. (2016). Obesity and health-related decisions: An empirical model of the determinants of weight status across the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. Economics and human biology, 23, 46–62.

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Cómo citar

Roldán-Aguilar, E. E., Vergara-Ramos, G. ., & Jaramillo-Osorno, A. F. . (2022). Investigaciones realizadas en Colombia relacionadas con actividad física y obesidad 2010-2020. Revista Politécnica, 18(36), 53–74.

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