Readers as protagonist of the book ecosystem


  • Carlos Sánchez Lozano


Reading, book, written culture, publishing industry, literacy, mediators


The article states that the texts and media that are circulating on the Internet are open verbal units in which readers who are part of virtual communities such as Goodreads and Librotea, make hyper-interpretations on fan-fic sites, and create content on booktube. It introduces the silent revolution of the book in which readers are the protagonists, who in the traditional ecosystem of the book were regarded as distant, blurred subjects. Now, due essentially to the internet and social networks, they have gained more protagonism and have imposed themselves over the authors, and even over the texts. In this sense, the reading democratization, the emergence of other text types that have emerged with the Internet and social networks, the relations between readers and authors, and the “betrayal of the text” are the signs of the dizzying and noisy change that began with the new digital paradigm at the beginning of the 21st century. This anarchic democratization, without observance of canons or academic rules, manipulated in some cases, provides new challenges for literacy and for those who are teachers, publishers and reading mediators.

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Author Biography

Carlos Sánchez Lozano

Estudió lingüística y literatura en la  Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas,  y filosofía en la  Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Ha sido maestro, ensayista y crítico literario. Es consultor del Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (Cerlalc) en temas de alfabetización y formación de actores del ámbito del libro y la lectura. En la actualidad trabaja como editor de literatura infantil y juvenil. Sus últimos libros publicados son Interpretación textual: la enseñanza de la comprensión lectora a niños y niñas de primaria (en coautoría con Deyanira Alfonso), Ángel Rama: crítica literaria y utopía en América Latina, y Guía para el diseño de planes nacionales de lectura (en coautoría con Beatriz Isaza).


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How to Cite

Sánchez Lozano, C. (2019). Readers as protagonist of the book ecosystem. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 11(22), 3–17. Retrieved from