REVIEW OF BOOK BY ELISEO VERÓN: The Social Semiosis 2. Ideas, moments, interpretations


  • Carlos Scolari Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)


Structural anthropology, Eliseo Verón, semiotics, social semiosis, mediation, media


As people say in Spain, Eliseo Verón is one of the intellectual with the “best fitted head” of his generation. It is not enough, because in his generation excel thinkers as Umberto Eco, Pierre Bourdieu, Jesús Martín Barbero and a few more heavy weights. ¿What could we say about of Verón at this point? ¿Doesn’t he has thirty years old and had translated to Castilian the Structural Anthropology by Lévi-Strauss? ¿That introduced structuralism and semiotics in Argentina, and then to the rest of Latin America? That is one of the most cited authors in careers of communication in Argentina? That has developed fundamental categories and models to understand the semiotic functioning of societies and processes of mediation?

In brief: The Social Semiosis 2. Ideas, moments, interpretants is a fundamental book for understanding the work of Veron, see its theoretical roots thoroughly, review the history of mediations and identify an analytical model that can potentially be applied to any semiotic process. Much of his reflections beyond the scope of the media and presented as an ideal place to investigate, for example, the evolution of other technologies.

Article Metrics

|Abstract: 1056 | PDF (Español (España)): 269 |

Author Biography

Carlos Scolari, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)

*Carlos Alberto Scolari. Profesor Titular del Departament de Comunicació de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). Doctorado en Lingüística Aplicada y Lenguajes de la Comunicación por la Università Cattolica di Milano, y especialista en el estudio de los medios digitales de comunicación y la nueva ecología mediática desde una perspectiva semiótica. Coordinador del Máster Oficial de Comunicación Digital Interactiva y del Grup de Recerca d’Interaccions Digitals (GRID) de la Universitat de Vic (2003-2009). Coordinador académico de la eWeek – Setmana Digital a Vic (2004-2009). En el 2011 co-organizó la McLuhan Galaxy Barcelona 2011 International Conference. Ha dictado conferencias, cursos y talleres sobre comunicación digital, semiótica de las interfaces y diseño interactivo en universidades e instituciones de Argentina, Colombia, Portugal, Cuba, Brasil, México, España, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Italia, Polonia, Estonia, Reino Unido, Suecia, Austria y Suiza. En el 2004 ganó el Premio Eusebi Colomer de Ensayo (Fundación Epson Ibérica – Gedisa). Es editor del blog hipermediaciones , co-editor del blog Digitalismo.



How to Cite

Scolari, C. (2015). REVIEW OF BOOK BY ELISEO VERÓN: The Social Semiosis 2. Ideas, moments, interpretations. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 5(10), 110–116. Retrieved from


