

Alternative media, citizen media, Collective of Communication of Mounts of Maria, citizen activism


Both in the world of activism around media and in academic circles there is a multiplicity of terms used to refer to non-profit media handled from instances close to the local community. These terms are: in Spanish medios alternativos, medios participativos, medios comunitarios, medios populares, medios radicales, in French médias libres is used, in English grassroots media, alterative media and citizen media. This article refers to “citizen media” coined by the author in his book Fissures in the Mediascape (2001).

The Collective of Mounts of Maria came in 1994, when a small group of young intellectuals of El Carmen de Bolivar, Colombia adopted the habit of meeting in the central square. The Collective provides training in radio and television production, has a mobile cinema project, and a cable television channel. Through its “school without walls”, The Collective has created a communication space where the younger generation can reinvent as citizens ***.

The article reconstructs the experience of The Collective of Mounts of Maria in which communication is used as a pretext to facilitate dreams and erode fear. So media production is not its ultimate goal, but the transformation of the imaginary, to repair damage caused by violence to the local social fabricsocial violence and also the one caused by the armed conflicto.

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|Abstract: 998 | PDF (Español (España)): 341 |

Author Biography

Clemencia Rodríguez, Universidad de Oklahoma

Profesora en el Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad de Oklahoma, en los Estados Unidos. Desde 1984 Clemencia Rodríguez ha estudiado casos de medios ciudadanos en contextos diferentes, incluyendo Nicaragua, Colombia, Chile, Cataluña, y las comunidades chicanas enEEUU.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, C. (2015). CITIZEN COMMUNICATION IN MOUNTS OF MARIA - COLOMBIA. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 5(9), 99–115. Retrieved from


