TV IN COLOMBIA: Emergence of regional channels


  • Ana Patricia García Ángel Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid



Television History in Colombia, Regional Channels, Teleantioquia, Telecaribe, Telepacífico, Telecafé, Canal Capital, Tvandina, Televisión Regional del Oriente- TRO, Teleislas


The article present that the television was born in Colombia linked to power, originated from the center of the country and as a communication medium with educational and cultural purposes raised in the paper. Exposes some of the events surrounding the creation of the National Television. Contextualizes the appearance of regional channels: Teleantioquia, Telecaribe, Telepacífico, Telecafé, Canal Capital, Tvandina (Today Canal 13), Televisión Regional del Oriente- TRO and Teleislas.

The text is part of the framework of the thesis “Regional television in Colombia,”presented by the author in the context of studying Masters in Visual Communication at the Ibero -American Space at the International University of Andalusia– España.

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Author Biography

Ana Patricia García Ángel, Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Comunicadora Social-Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia, Especialista en Televisión de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Magister en Comunicación en el Espacio Visual Iberoamericano de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía– España. Gerente de programación por más de 25 años en la industria de la televisión. Docente de cátedra del Politécnico Jaime Isaza Cadavid y otras universidades de Medellín.


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How to Cite

García Ángel, A. P. (2015). TV IN COLOMBIA: Emergence of regional channels. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 4(7), 23–35.


