Artisanal Territory: Cultural Dimension Of Pottery In Españita, Tlaxcala, México


  • Cristian Garcia Villalba Doctorante en Estudios Territoriales por el Centro De Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias Sobre Desarrollo Regional – Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala. Master en Comunicación; Comunicador Social – Periodista.
  • Celia Hernández Cortés Dra. en Ciencias, Centro De Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias Sobre Desarrollo Regional – Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala


pottery, crafts, knowledge, representation, culture


This article addresses the cultural dimension of the territory through crafts as a way of territorial representation, this leads to understanding it as a socio-historical activity that shapes human relationships through the passage of time and the transmission of knowledge. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with the potters and potters of the municipality of Españita in the State of Tlaxcala, Mexico, with which it is possible to carry out a culturalist approach from the perspective of the territory and the ancestral knowledge that makes up the pottery practice. It is evident that knowledge about pottery is reproduced through oral transmission in the generational relay and by emulation. In addition, this activity is currently carried out in parallel with others such as agriculture and commerce, activities that build domestic production units (Sánchez and Ruiz, 2013).

Article Metrics

|Abstract: 126 | PDF (Español (España)): 95 |


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How to Cite

Garcia Villalba, C., & Hernández Cortés, C. (2023). Artisanal Territory: Cultural Dimension Of Pottery In Españita, Tlaxcala, México. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 15(30), 37–58. Retrieved from