Human rights, gender and violence from the perspective of Student Counseling Departments


  • Darwin Patricio García Ayala Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca Ecuador.
  • Isabel Gil Gesto Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca Ecuador.
  • Ana Lucía Íñiguez Ibarra Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca Ecuador.
  • Walter Fabián León Machuca Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca Ecuador.



Gender, equity, violence, human rights


The project "Human Rights: Social and Gender Equity, a path towards Coeducation",
executed by the Gender and Development Career of the University of Cuenca as a project of
Linking with the Community, aims to visualize and demonstrate, from the perspective of the and
educational actors (teachers, fathers and mothers, students, officials and civil servants of the
student counseling departments - DECE) those aspects related to violence, gender and human
rights approach, how they are synchronized in practice and daily life within of educational
environments and what are their main courses; On the other hand, this study aims to verify the
criteria and imaginary that surround how gender and violence are conceived in these educational
actors for their subsequent orientation and theoretical clarification. On this occasion, the analysis
focuses on those people who are part of the DECEs of the institutions participating in this project,
whose diagnosis will allow taking actions from the academy in order to implement action
strategies that take into account human groups, their contexts and your needs.

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How to Cite

García Ayala, D. P. ., Gil Gesto, I. ., Íñiguez Ibarra, A. L., & León Machuca, W. F. . (2022). Human rights, gender and violence from the perspective of Student Counseling Departments. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 13(26), 23–36.