About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Luciernaga – Comunicación  journal is a scientific publication co-edited by Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid-PCJIC &  Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí- México- UASLP. This six-monthly, virtual journal created in 2009, intends to disseminate new interdisciplinary scientific knowledge in relation to ICT, educommunication, cultural studies, organizations, audiovisual, among others.  The articles are evaluated by academic peers in a double blind process. It publishes research articles, research results, reflections resulting by research as well as states of the art, case studies and systematization of experiences, and theoretical reflections. The methodological rigor and the research achievements are requirements for the revision and original publications.

 Luciernaga – Comunicación journal provides open and rapid access content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research, facilitates a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The Faculty of Audiovisual Communication of Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid and the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí- México, interested in the production, dissemination and publishing of scientific knowledge in the communication field in an interdisciplinary perspective, assume the edition of this publication. It aims at accessing to the theories, methods, reflections, products and applications of communication among students, graduates, teachers, researchers and the academic community in general, in the field of research in educommunication, audiovisual, organizational, ICT, communication, culture and society. The Journal is of a virtual nature and is issued every six months.

Peer Review Process

Selection of articles.

In the process of selecting papers and audiovisual material that participate in the call, an initial review is carried out by the publisher who verifies compliance with the requested criteria in the instructions and informs the author (authors), if this is the case, possible adjustments. When the paper meets with all the requirements, it is submitted to a revision by a double blind process, anonymous mediators who are in charge of assessing the scientific, and academic quality of the submitted articles as well as issuing acceptance concepts with adjustments, or definitive acceptance or rejection of the paper. If required, evaluation by a second evaluator is requested. The process is conducted in accordance with the issuance standards of the APA (American Psychological Association).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research facilitates a greater global exchange of knowledge. Articles  are published in PDF under a Creative Commons license, they  can be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and exhibited to the  public, provided that: a) Authorship and the original source of their publication (journal, publisher and URL of the work) are cited. b) They are not used for commercial purposes. c) The existence and specifications of this license are mentioned.

This work is under a Creative Commons license- No commercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported.

Ethical code of the journal

Regarding the authors:

  1. The authors must state the originality, clarity of the article, veracity of the data, as well as the validity of the study and its relevance in relation to the scope of the journal.
  2. Know the instructions for the authors and complete them comprehensively.
  3. State any conflict of interests relevant to all taxpayers, if they exist.
  4. State the editors if any individual should not review the submitted material, as long as such requests are reasonable and viable.
  5. Know the publication dates of the journal, as well as deadlines for submission and acceptance of articles.
  6. Authors can appeal against editorial decisions.

Regarding reviewers or arbitrators:

 The arbitrators must declare any conflict of interest and reject the invitation of the editors to evaluate a manuscript when, for instance, they identify the authorship of the manuscript, they are academically or familiarly close to the authors or they belong to the same university, department, research group, professional network, research project or any other type of connection or conflict / that implies professional proximity.

  1. The review of the manuscripts is done by blind expert peers, based on the double international system, which guarantees that the review complies with anonymity standards.
  2. Reviewers should state if there is a conflict of interest which may occur as a result of proximity or hostility with the authors, and if the reviewer identifies the authors even though their names have been removed from the manuscript. The arbitrators must declare any conflict of interest and reject the invitation of the editors to evaluate a manuscript in case they identify the authorship of the manuscript, they are academically or familiarly close to the authors, they belong to the same university, department, research team, professional network, research project or any other type of connection or conflict / professional proximity. In this case, the reviewer must reject the publisher's offer to review the article.
  3. The reviewers must review the article in the assigned time by the journal, in order to respect the delivery deadline (20 days), ensuring respect for the authors and their work.
  4. The reviewer must maintain strict confidentiality in the evaluation of a manuscript and must not disclose its content to third parties.
  5. The opinion of the reviewers is vital to detect the originality of the contents and guarantee the scientific and literary quality of the manuscript.
  6. The evaluations must contain an exhaustive analysis of the manuscript, contrasting the submitted information, the verification of the scientific literature used in the document, and submitting a quantitative and qualitative report to the editors on the suitability of the work for its publication.
  7. The reviewers must issue comments on ethical matters and possible inappropriate behaviors   and publications that arise from the received material.

Regarding the Editors:

  1. The editor must ensure the quality of the material published in the journal.
  2. Select expert pairs with knowledge, experience and academic background in the subject, without conflict of interest.
  3. Respect copyright.
  4. Guarantee the confidentiality and anonymity of authors and reviewers throughout the process. As well as, regarding the consents and special requirements for   humans and animals research.
  5. Post corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.
  6. Seek actively the views of authors, readers, reviewers and committee members and / or editorial boards of other journals on possible ways to improve their publication processes.
  7. Comply with the biannual periodicity declared by the Anagramas journal.
  8. Identify, select and review the board of the members of the editorial committee and the scientific committee of the journal, according to the experience and academic background of its members.
  9. Use implemented systems to detect falsification data, either for routine use or in cases where plagiarism is suspected. To verify this point, Revista Luciérnaga - Comunicación uses Turnitin anti-plagiarism software to determine the similarity of content that an article has with respect to other documents.

Statement of originality and transfer of copyrights

The authors must sign this statement of originality and it must be sent to the email investigación_comunicacion@elpoli.edu.co

Sources of Support

  • Politecnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid; Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí