Analysis of the press coverage environmental risk of Mozambique: the Mozal Bypass case and newspaper “Notícias” and “O país”


Palabras clave:

Mozambique, Mozal, Bypass, Environmental Risk


This article aims at verifying the way in which the Mozambican press covered the environmental risk caused by the activity of the multinational Mozal (Mozambique Aluminium). This company worked without filters, for 137 days, between 2010 and 2011, emitting polluting gases directly into the air (“Bypass”). The investigation intends to understand how the two main Mozambican daily newspapers, “Notícias” and “O País”, approached this issue. The methodology used has been quantitative (i.e. the number of articles edited and the sources used) as well as qualitative (i.e. content analysis, with the help of conceptual semantic maps) in nature. The theoretical basis of the research was the Social Amplification of Risk Framework (SARF). The investigation showed that the coverage, instead of clarifying the real environmental risks arising from the Bypass, was used for political leverage either in favour of or against the decisions of the Government.

Métricas de artículo

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Biografía del autor/a

Luca Bussotti, Center of International Studies, ISCTE Lisbon.

He holds a Ph.D. in Development Sociology (University of Pisa, Italy). Professor of Policy Human Resource Management in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Pisa (2002-2006) and visiting Professor at the School of Communication and Arts at University Eduarde Mondlane of Mozambique (2006-2011). His articles in scientific journals and books in Portuguese about Africa have been published in Italy, France, Brazil, and England. Also, he collaborates with the Portuguese speaking section of CODESRIA (Dakar). Coordinator of a comparative study about press coverage of human rights violations by the State of the PALOPs (Portuguese –speaking African countries) during 2010 and 2011.


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Cómo citar

Bussotti, L. (2015). Analysis of the press coverage environmental risk of Mozambique: the Mozal Bypass case and newspaper “Notícias” and “O país”. Luciérnaga Comunicación, 5(10), 28–40. Recuperado a partir de


