The role of women in scientific research: challenges and advances in Mexico
scientific investigation, woman, discrimination, challenge, MexicoAbstract
The inequality of opportunities for women in academic work, scientific research, and technological development is a persistent problem. The present article aims to analyze the challenges and progress of women researchers in Mexico. The aforementioned was carried out through a mixed and cross-sectional study, employing chi-squared and bivariate analysis. The results showed that 79.40% of the respondents have experienced some form of discrimination as researchers, with "disregardful comments" as the highest percentage (14%). The chi-squared result demonstrated a relationship between access to an equitable compensation system and membership in the National System of Women and Men Researchers. The attainment of a stable job position emerged as the challenge with the highest percentage (25%).
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yesbek Rocío Morales Paredes, Teresa Gladys Cerón Carrillo, Norma Angélica Santiesteban López, María Elena Pérez Terrón
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